Action alert from Christians in Defense of Israel:
Christians in Defense of Israel’s researchers have been intensely working to uncover the destructive aims of the organization known as Black Lives Matter, including the cancerous tentacles of their associated members, related organizations, funders and handlers. Our work has been having an impact! This week, BLM was forced to make some drastic changes in order to hide their true nature. And BLM’s public opinion ratings have been falling dramatically as the truth gets out. As we reported in August, a convicted domestic terrorist who spent 16 years in federal prison was handling the multiple millions of dollars pouring into BLM. That convicted terrorist is Susan Rosenberg, who was sentenced for her involvement in the bombing of several federal buildings and the shootings of several police officers while she was active in the 1970s Weather Underground domestic terror organization. Despite her extensive criminal history (or perhaps because of it), Rosenberg quickly rose to the top of an organization known as “Thousand Currents.” Thousand Currents, in turn, handled all incoming donations to BLM… that is, until she was exposed. Just a few weeks after we reported the story, BLM dropped Thousand Currents as their money collector. YOUR efforts in helping spread this critical information (which has been largely censored by the media) forced BLM to retreat. After the shocking agenda BLM posted on their website started getting notoriety, co-founder and Executive Director Patrisse Cullors has deleted those incriminating and damning topics from the site. Up until two days ago, BLM’s website featured a page labeled, “What We Believe.” On that page, BLM proudly boasted about their intent to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” and regularly used the traditional communist label of “comrades” to describe BLM members and allies. As of Tuesday, September 22, 2020, that page is no longer anywhere to be found on BLM’s website. Deleted. Hidden. But now exposed and, thankfully, not forgotten. Other statements from the now hidden “What We Believe” page include:
Again, YOUR efforts in spreading this critical information helped force BLM to retreat. And in case you are wondering what on earth words like “cisgender privilege” and “patriarchy” have to do with ending racism, Cullors’ lifestyle can give us a clue. Patrisse Cullors, a biologically born woman, is married to a “transgender man” (a biologically born woman who “identifies” as a male). Frankly, it is a challenge to even read that sentence, so it is no wonder that BLM as an organization seems confused about the nation it seeks to destroy. But regardless of Patrisse Cullors’ irrational approach to “gender identity” and her open use of the occult and black magic, one thing continues to be clear and beyond dispute: BLM intends nothing less than the destruction of Western civilization, and it’s chief targets are Israel and America. Throughout history, Marxists have always attempted to revise history in order to hide their own crimes. But the internet never forgets, and neither should we. And sunlight always dispels darkness. Throughout our investigation, our staff has diligently taken screen shots of BLM’s websites, downloaded copies of BLM videos, statements, social media posts and interviews. BLM’s shocking original manifesto via their (now scrubbed) website is no exception. Oddly, the one thing Cullors has not attempted to delete from the internet, (yet), is her taped occult ceremony summoning an ancient false god and other demonic spirits to come to BLM’s aid. But we’ve kept copies of that, too. Cullors must be made to understand that good people aren’t supportive of witchcraft… or BLM’s Marxist, anti-family, anti-America, anti-Israel agenda. We need your help NOW to continue exposing this evil organization and to continue applying pressure on Congress, the White House and the U.S. Department of Justice to fully investigate the founders, funders and handlers of the international terror organization known as BLM. Select here to make YOUR voice heard! Tell Congress to Investigate BLM! |
Group petitioning Congress to investigate Black Lives Matter – link to petition in story
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