There are some seriously unbalanced liberals running loose out there. They’re losing their minds over the Supreme Court’s gun ruling, among other things.
Most states allow people to carry guns outside the home but, to hear these libs tell it, the Supreme Court’s ruling is ushering in Armageddon. TV talking head Keith Olbermann said the Supreme Court should be abolished. Libs in the Twitterverse said the Court’s goal is to create chaos and crime to usher in authoritarian government. Sounds like liberal projection to me, given how libs love Antifa riots, burning cities, and want every criminal to go free. Joy Reid accused the Court of wanting to “repeal the 20th century” because it actually paid attention to the Constitution. By the way, Joy, the 20th century ended 22 years ago. Elie Mystal said the Supreme Court just granted a “right to shoot people.” Uh-huh. Actor Rob Perlman said the Court’s decision is for whites only. That’s crazy. There was a whole book written about how Martin Luther King and other civil rights leaders were all packing heat – for self-protection, the exact rationale the Court employed yesterday. New York Governor Kathy Hochul trotted out the tired old argument the Second Amendment only applies to muskets. That’s like saying free speech only applies to quill pens. The Founders were well aware technology would advance. That’s why they put patent protections in the Constitution, to promote scientific progress. That Hochul would make such a stupid argument that can be demolished in two seconds shows you just how unhinged she is.
Let’s look at some other issues that have upended liberals’ mental equilibrium, lately.
A Democrat chief of staff on Capitol Hill hates Marjorie Taylor Greene so much he vandalized her office, not realizing he was being caught on camera the entire time. Oops.
In another case of Liberal Derangement Syndrome making people overlook the obvious, a climate protester tried to smear cream cake on the Mona Lisa, but it’s behind glass. Nice try.
Unbalanced Squad member Jamaal Bowman honestly believes civil war will break out in this country if Republicans are elected in November. I’d go, but I don’t think people should be allowed to carry guns outside the home.
Hillary Clinton said Trump supporters are a “clear and present danger to American democracy.” That would include me. This from a delusional woman who started the Trump/Russia collusion hoax and still thinks she won the 2016 election. Calling Dr. Freud.
Speaking of mental illness, a totally bonkers woman made a video after paying $98 to fill up her gas tank blaming Biden’s inflation on the religious right. I’d ask you to see if you can follow that logic, but there isn’t any.
Antiracist guru Ibram X. Kendi is worried about his daughter who likes playing with a white doll. He suspects her mind has already been taken over – colonized – by white supremacy. The guy has a million bucks. You’d think he could afford to buy his daughter a black doll, if that’s what he wants her to play with.
Buried in all this hilarity is a serious point: civil discourse in this country is suffering because liberals and Democrats are making themselves sick in the head, believing all kinds of nonsense. I implore you, come back to reality. I miss our long serious talks about the direction of the country, but you don’t seem to be capable of that, at the moment.