Earlier this week news broke about a new CATO national survey. In this survey, 62 percent of Americans say the political climate prevents them from saying things they believe because it might be offensive to others.
That’s an increase of four percentage points since 2017.
Fifty-two percent of Democrats feel this way, 59 percent of Independents do as well. An astounding 77 percent (more than three out of every four) Republicans are afraid to share their political opinions.
There is one group that feels free to express themselves, though — strong liberals. Fifty-eight percent of staunch liberals believe they can say what they believe.
The one group that showed little change — strong conservatives. In 2017, 76 percent of them said they hold back their views. Today that number is 77 percent.
Even worse, 50 percent of strong liberals support firing executives who donate to President Donald Trump. And, to be fair, 36 percent of strong conservatives support firing an executive for donating to Joe Biden’s campaign.
This isn’t a problem that will die off any time soon, either.
Forty-four percent of Americans under 30 support firing executives if they donate to Trump. That number is cut in half for those 55 and over.