I do not understand, for the life of me, why some people are so hardcore on forced masking. Some people say they simply enjoy the control. That seeing people “comply” provides some sort of strange high.
I’m not going to go through all the studies and science that say masks are relatively ineffective at stopping transmission of COVID-19.
Not because that information doesn’t exist, but because to the forced maskers, it doesn’t matter.
Facts have little to do with the topic. For them, it’s all about feelings.
Maybe masks make some people feel better. Feel safer. Feel more secure. Feel less vulnerable.
Or maybe it makes them feel like they’re special. Like they’re being kind, caring and compassionate. Like they’re really taking one for the team. Standing for the common good.
But feelings aren’t facts.
A 2016 article by Dr. Shane Neilson sums it up — the surgical mask is a bad fit for risk reduction.
Less than a year ago the World Health Organization was standing by its recommendation that the public shouldn’t wear masks.
As tempting as it is, I’ll just leave it at that.
In an email sent last week after someone associated with the Iowa House tested positive for COVID-19, chief clerk Meghan Nelson reportedly wrote the person who tested positive was wearing a face covering at all times.
Somehow that detail didn’t make it into any of the headlines of a COVID case in the Iowa House of Representatives.
Somehow that detail isn’t relevant until the second-to-last paragraph of one story. It certainly wasn’t in the lede of any news story I saw about the issue.
Guess it might ruin the narrative of the forced maskers.
So, to the point, I have one question for the forced maskers.
If the forced maskers are so confident in the use of masks to the point they believe every person should be required to wear one, then why aren’t they simply comfortable with just wearing one themselves? Why are they worried about non-maskers if their mask works so effectively?
As I said earlier, perhaps wearing the mask and the idea of everyone wearing a mask makes people feel better.
But what if that feeling is a false sense of security? What if wearing a mask really doesn’t eliminate the risk of contracting COVID much, if at all?
What if it gives some people a false sense of safety that simply isn’t so?
Then what?
Inquiring minds want to know.