Yesterday was not the best day to be a Republican. Heck, it wasn’t a good day to be an American. The keys to our country were just handed over to a political party that believes climate change is more threatening than radical Islam, prefers open borders to walls (unless it is for an inauguration), puts a transgender person in a position of authority when it comes to the health department and believes in abortion on demand up until birth.
Other than that it was a great Wednesday.
I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t somewhat draining.
But then someone told me to check out an Ignor-naution supper. And I did.
And it was exactly what I needed.
A room full of 35 Americans showed up to share conversation and stories.
And there was a sense of like-mindedness that you just don’t get many places.
And they are well aware of what just happened in our country — and more importantly — how it happened.
They know the dangers of the Democrats, but they’re also well aware of the treason some Republicans just committed against the GOP base.
I’ve talked with a lot of Trump supporters since Election Day. Perhaps more than any other member of the media in Iowa.
And I’ve heard an unfortunate number say if this election isn’t overturned, they’re done with politics.
I understand the sentiment. I feel their disappointment.
But what does that accomplish?
Where does it get us?
The reality is we have to play with the hand we’re dealt. And our kids and grandkids will grow up in whatever kind of country we leave for them.
Do we just want to throw our hands up in the air and say, ‘well, we tried?’
Or are we willing to buckle down, put our heads down and do what we need to do to help preserve our freedoms and our constitutional republic?
Sure, the task seems daunting and the opposition seems unreachable, but have we forgotten what the prospects were at the founding of this country?
Things didn’t look great then either.
But it isn’t an excuse — or even a reason — to cry ‘woe is me, whatever will I do.’
We know what to do. We’re Americans. We’ve gone through adversity before and we know that when times get tough, we simpler need to be tougher.
My message to conservatives is simple — do not give up.
It may seem easy. It may seem tempting. It may seem safe — that you’ll never invest so much time, energy and treasure into another campaign so you don’t experience this feeling ever again — but in the end it will hurt even worse.
The reality is there are two visions for America — one preserves freedom and one leads to socialism.
We’re going to experience one or the other.
There are famous words we’ve all heard many times before — a republic, if you can keep it.
Well, this is your time to decide whether or not you can keep it.
Come together. Network. Stay engaged. Figure out your why.
Why you’re pro-life. Why you’re Republican. Why you cherish religious liberty. Why you believe strongly in the Second Amendment.
Why you’re proud to be an American.
Find your why.
It will not only help you win others to your cause when you explain to them your why, but it will renew your spirit and remind you why you engage, why you work, why you donate and why you vote.
Share your why. Remember your why. Fight for your why.
Nobody else is going to do it for you.