It seems like some Republicans in the United States Senate are far more comfortable with the idea of a President Joe Biden than they would be a second term for President Donald J. Trump.
Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford is one of the most recent turncoats. Lankford apologized to black voters in his state for objecting to the Electoral College results. Because apparently, the only people who can commit voter fraud are black voters?
What a joke.
The disappointments are plenty on the Republican side of the United States Senate.
And that disappointment is felt by thousands of Iowans.
Both of our Republican Senators made startling statements last week.
“Right now, there’s very little opportunity for (President Donald J. Trump) to lead the Republican Party,” said Sen. Charles Grassley.
“Let’s move on. Let’s get President Biden into place,” said Sen. Joni Ernst. “Let’s get the new administration going and let’s start healing our nation.”
Grassley even said he is “looking forward to what (Biden’s) agenda is.”
Ernst suggested history will “not look kindly” at those Senators who “abdicated their constitutional authority” when it came to certifying the results of the Electoral College.
The Iowans who I’ve talked with who supported President Donald J. Trump do not want to just “move on.”
These Iowans are convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there will never be another fair presidential election in the United States. Ever. Never. Never ever.
Let’s look at things realistically. Democrats control the U.S. House. Democrats control the U.S. Senate. Democrats control the White House.
Now Sen. Ernst wants to “heal the nation.”
How does she propose we do that?
Look at the agenda Biden has put out there for his first 10 days. There is not one single hint of “unity.”
There’s amnesty. There’s racial injustice. There’s killing our energy independence. There’s joining the Paris Climate Accord. There’s putting America back in the middle — if not last.
There is not one single hint of unity.
Not one.
The cold hard reality is a lot of Republican “leaders” let Republican voters down. Big time.
They let them down when it mattered most.
Nearly every single GOP Senator likely said the same thing about the 2020 Presidential Election — “it’s the most important election of our lifetime.”
I know Sen. Ernst said it. I know Sen. Grassley said it.
Yet it wasn’t important enough to make sure we got it right?
A 10-day audit was too much?
We couldn’t follow President Ronald Reagan’s advice of trust, but verify?
It is a sad day when Iowa Republicans realize the people they worked so hard to elect were so quick to abandon them when we needed them most.
No need to vote to overturn the election.
A vote for the 10-day audit would’ve moved us closer to ‘healing’ than anything else.
Maybe the 10-day audit would’ve changed just a few minds of Trump supporters.
But it would’ve provided one extra added layer of protection to our precious electoral system.
Now, there is little faith in the electoral system for millions of Americans.
And while some Republican Senators are ready to “move on,” Republican voters are not.
They see their country under siege.
I am not saying there’s an easy solution here.
But there are millions of Americans who believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that we’re engaged in a battle for the soul of America.
And the first move by too many Republicans in Congress wasn’t to stand and fight, it was to retreat and wave the white flag.
Our Freedom Fighters quickly became Freedom Forfeiters.