Steve Kirsch asks an interesting question. In his recent Substack article, he asks if anyone knows anyone who moved from “red pill” to “blue pill” after researching the data on the COVID-19 shot.
Morpheus says “You take the blue pill… the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe that the COVID vaccines are “safe and effective,” that ivermectin doesn’t work, that the CDC, FDA, mainstream media, and medical community are telling you the truth to keep you safe, and that Fauci is a hero. You take the red pill… you keep your critical thinking skills, your subscription to Steve Kirsch’s Substack, and I show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
Who is going to win?
Kirsch said one side is spending billions to convince people the vaccines are safe and effective while the other side is spending millions to convince people of the opposite.
“Even though we are being outspent by 10,000 to 1, I know of LOTS of people who moved from blue to red pill on the COVID vaccine, most often after getting a serious side effect after taking the vaccine,” he wrote. “But I don’t know of a single person who moved from red pill to blue pill on the COVID vaccine. Do you?”
He requested his readers take this survey:
Do you know anyone who moved from ANTI-vax to pro-vax after looking at the data?
Yes, I know one person who did
Yes, I know a lot of people who did
In the rare event that you answered yes, please note in the comments what DATA convinced these people that the vaccine was safe after all. Maybe we are all missing something… (but I doubt it).