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Earlier this week we told you about Democrat State Sen. Molly Donahue’s anti-Trump tirade on Twitter. Donahue told Trump supporters to unfriend her. She said Trump is morally bankrupt.

You can read about more of her thoughts regarding Trump below:

Teacher, Dem candidate for Supervisor tells Trump voters to ‘unfriend’ her, says Trump will not serve everyone and is ‘morally bankrupt’

Donahue criticized Trump for his rhetoric, but she ironically had an ethics complaint filed against her after labeling some political critics as  “bigots,” “bullies,” “homophobes,” “racists,” and “xenophobes.”

Donahue, who is a teacher, lost to Republican Brandy Zumbach Meisheid 21,747-19,917 on Tuesday night.


  1. She’s just another Democrat repeating what she hears on MSNBC and CNN. Can’t back it up with facts because they don’t exist. Folks like her are their own worst enemies. The hate just eats them up along with any relationships she has. People don’t want to be around that toxic attitude.


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