Say what you want about President Donald J. Trump, but today’s Supreme Court decision is the result of the 45th President of the United States of America.
And who woulda thunk it?
Here is a disclaimer that shouldn’t be necessary, but is — President Trump isn’t a perfect guy. Heck, he’s still soft on some pretty big issues, but today’s reality is pretty amazing — because Trump was President, Roe was overturned.
It is that simple.
For generations Republican Presidents told everyone they’d appoint justices committed to overturning Roe. Republicans told us they wanted abortion stopped. The professional political class told us this over and over.
But it took a President like Donald J. Trump to deliver.
Oct. 19, 2016 – “Trump: I’ll appoint Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade.” (CNBC)
Claim: Trump vowed SCOTUS picks would end Roe v. Wade
Newsweek fact check: Mostly true
Sept. 27, 2020 – Trump says overturning Roe v. Wade ‘possible’ with Barrett (The Guardian)
April 16, 2021 – Trump’s promise to overturn Roe v. Wade may still come true (MSNBC)
His words matched much of the rhetoric offered by previous Presidents. But his actions went above and beyond.
Without President Trump, Roe is not struck down. It is literally that simple.
Now, I understand for some people Trump’s personal life makes it very difficult — or impossible — to support him for President. I’m not going to debate any of that.
But unborn babies have a much greater chance at life today because Donald J. Trump was President.
He delivered. Bigly.
And who would’ve ever guessed that Trump — who is by no means a “lifelong Republican” — would be responsible for Roe being overturned.
I’m curious what all the “pro-life” Republicans who couldn’t vote for Trump in 2020 due to his mean tweets are thinking today.
There is only one word to describe today’s ruling: HUGE.