***With a House Government Oversight Committee hearing coming up on Tuesday regarding the Black Lives Matter At School Week of Action hosted by the Ames district, we wanted to refresh everyone on what happened.***
From the school board to the superintendent to the district’s website to the man in charge of the Black Lives Matter At School Week of Action — it is routinely brought up that the BLM At School Week of Action is not affiliated with BLM the organization.
Why do these officials feel they must make that clear over and over and over again?
Is not their repetitive statements and promises that the week at school has nothing to do with the group attempting to destroy the idea of the nuclear family an admission that it is an organization that should be kept at a distance?
Is their repeated rhetoric that the BLM organizations not affiliated with the BLM week at school not an obvious revelation that even those “leaders” who support the movement are smart enough to realize not everyone supports burning, looting and maiming?
It is a question I’d love to hear answered by anyone on the board, in the superintendent’s office or the man who planned the event.
Why the constant reminder that the BLM Week of Action is not affiliated with BLM the group?
Are these leaders opposed to BLM the group? Or do they embrace the radical Marxism pushed?
Inquiring minds would love to know.