HOUSE HAPPENINGS: Bill establishing fundamental rights of parents sees subcommittee today

You can find live videos of each subcommittee here.

7:30 a.m.

HF 740: A bill for an act including certain acts within the meaning of domestic abuse.

HF 690: A bill for an act relating to the frequency of meetings of a committee created to establish the minimum rate to be earned on state funds placed in time deposits.

8 a.m.

HF 216: A bill for an act creating a vacant school building demolition grant program and fund and making appropriations.

HF 714: A bill for an act relating to fundamental parental rights.

HSB 245: A bill for an act relating to the operation of registered all-terrain vehicles and off-road utility vehicles on county highways.

HSB 244: A bill for an act relating to attribution statements on certain campaign signs and making penalties applicable.

HF 140: A bill for an act relating to all-terrain vehicles, including financial liability coverage for, registration of, and parks and trails designated for use by all-terrain vehicles, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions.

HSB 191: A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a new deduction for any income of an employee resulting from the payment by an employer on the employee’s qualified education loan and including applicability provisions.

8:15 a.m.

HSB 269: A bill for an act relating to the auditor of state and including effective date and applicability provisions.


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