You can find video links to each of the subcommittee and committee meetings in the Iowa House here.
8 a.m.
HF 106: A bill for an act relating to qualifications to instruct law in the state of Iowa, and including effective date provisions.
HF 402: A bill for an act relating to the direct care workforce, including the expansion of the direct care workforce registry.
HF 225: A bill for an act relating to certain criminal and civil actions involving sexual offenses and obscene material and minors, and providing penalties.
A bill for an act relating to the possession and use of a firearm while on an electric scooter, and providing penalties.
8:30 a.m.
HF 227: A bill for an act relating to the disabled veteran homestead tax credit by modifying eligibility criteria and including effective date and applicability provisions.
12 p.m.
HF 150: A bill for an act relating to shared operational functions for purposes of supplementary weighting for school districts and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HF 153: A bill for an act relating to the appointment of a director of public policy events at each institution of higher education governed by the state board of regents.
HF 441: A bill for an act relating to certain criteria to be considered in determining whether a substantial change in circumstances exists to modify a support order.
SF 184: A bill for an act repealing the state interagency Missouri river authority.
HSB 189: A bill for an act relating to lighting devices and other equipment on authorized emergency vehicles, providing penalties, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions.
A bill for an act permitting businesses’ new onsite daycare facilities or businesses’ expansion of existing onsite daycare facilities to qualify as projects under the high quality jobs program, and making penalties applicable.
HF 255: A bill for an act creating a Hoover presidential library tax credit available against the individual and corporate income taxes, the franchise tax, the insurance premiums tax, and the moneys and credit tax.
12:15 p.m.
SF 185: A bill for an act repealing the Missouri river preservation and land use authority, and including transition provisions.
12:30 p.m.
A bill for an act relating to language and literacy development for deaf and hard-of-hearing children.
HF 375: A bill for an act relating to the registration of postsecondary schools with the college student aid commission, and to the postsecondary registration fund under the control of the commission.
HF 517: A bill for an act relating to noneconomic damage awards against health care providers.
A bill for an act creating a civil action relating to harassment by the reporting of false information to law enforcement authority.
HF 423: A bill for an act excluding from the state corporate income tax certain income of public utilities furnishing water to the public, or furnishing sanitary sewage or storm water drainage disposal to the public, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
12:45 p.m.
HF 443: A bill for an act relating to the use of inventory checklists upon commencement and termination of residential tenancies and including applicability provisions.