You can view the links to subcommittee meetings here.
7:30 a.m.
HF 595: A bill for an act relating to the transfer between trusts for persons with disabilities.
HF 459: A bill for an act removing psilocybin and psilocyn from the list of substances classified as schedule I controlled substances under Iowa’s uniform controlled substances Act.
7:45 a.m.
A bill for an act relating to title fees for snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and vessels of surviving spouses.
8 a.m.
HSB 261: A bill for an act modifying provisions related to certain affidavits accepted by county recorders for updating county transfer books and indexes when a conveyance of real estate has not occurred.
HSB 266: A bill for an act relating to public records including confidentiality, access, and the enforcement of public records violations, and uniform commercial code filings; certain employment matters including benefits, workers’ compensation, civil actions, and civil immunity; and law enforcement including law enforcement officer rights, eluding law enforcement, and carrying firearms; and providing penalties.
HSB 264: A bill for an act providing for delinquency fees for executive branch agencies for untimely rulemaking in certain circumstances and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
A bill for an act relating to executive orders of the president of the United States.
HSB 265: A bill for an act relating to the forfeiture and withholding of certain gaming winnings and providing penalties.
HSB 256: A bill for an act creating a permit allowing the operation of vehicles of excessive weight transporting fluid milk products, and providing fees.
HF 482: A bill for an act relating to the powers and duties of the department of agriculture and land stewardship, including by providing for administration, programs, and regulations, providing fees, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable.
8:15 a.m.
HF 702: A bill for an act establishing advertisement limitations for attorneys and counselors.