Find video links to every subcommittee here.
7:30 a.m.
HSB 204: A bill for an act regarding port authorities, including by allowing port authorities to enter into certain loan agreements and lease contracts.
HF 450: A bill for an act relating to consent agreements for domestic abuse and sexual abuse protective orders.
8 a.m.
HF 507: A bill for an act relating to consideration of the educational setting of a minor child in a child custody proceeding.
HF 589: A bill for an act providing for representation of adoptive parents by local public defenders.
HSB 197: A bill for an act authorizing length of service award programs for volunteer fire fighters, volunteer emergency medical care providers, and reserve peace officers.
HSB 205: A bill for an act relating to private land available for public use for recreational purposes.
8:30 a.m.
HF 105: A bill for an act authorizing a receiving school district to send school vehicles into a district of residence to transport a pupil participating in open enrollment to and from school.
HF 273: A bill for an act providing for an exemption from tort liability arising from winter recreational activities on commercial property.
HSB 219: A bill for an act relating to providing certain local government notices and other information to persons by electronic means.
HF 46: A bill for an act relating to licensing sanctions for certain governmental debts by restricting use of social security numbers.
HF 521: A bill for an act relating to commercial driver’s license driving skills tests, providing fees, and including effective date provisions.
9:30 a.m.
HSB 222: A bill for an act relating to noncompliance with rules adopted by a county sanitarian regarding septic tank pumping.