Video links to each House subcommittee and committee meeting can be found here.
8 a.m.
HF 762: A bill for an act relating to title fees for snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and vessels of surviving spouses.
8:15 a.m.
SF 469: A bill for an act relating to the regulation by counties and cities of continuing nonconforming uses of manufactured, modular, and mobile homes and site-built dwelling units.
12 p.m.
HF 787: A bill for an act establishing a butchery innovation and revitalization fund and program to be administered by the economic development authority and creating a task force to explore the feasibility of establishing an artisanal butchery program at a community college or at an institution governed by the state board of regents.
SF 462: A bill for an act relating to a study regarding reimbursement for administrative days.
SF 322: A bill for an act concerning a report on the effectiveness of the accountable government Act.
SF 424: A bill for an act relating to the licensure of persons completing an apprenticeship, and including effective date provisions.
SF 354: A bill for an act relating to continuing education requirements for persons holding certain professional and occupational licenses.
12:30 p.m.
SF 521: A bill for an act providing for a human trafficking task force and an annual report to the general assembly.
HF 808: A bill for an act relating to educational programs, funding, tax credits and deductions, open enrollment, supplementary weighting, and including effective date, applicability, and retroactive applicability provisions.
1 p.m.
SF 315: A bill for an act relating to reporting requirements concerning the department of administrative services.