A list of video links to each subcommittee can be found here.
11 a.m.
HF 223: A bill for an act relating to the expungement of certain nonviolent class “D” felonies.
HF 616: A bill for an act relating to the registration requirements for certain vessels, and making penalties applicable.
11:15 a.m.
HF 346: A bill for an act relating to lobbying activities by political subdivisions.
11:30 a.m.
HF 677: A bill for an act relating to unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the rental of vehicles and making penalties applicable.
HF 254: A bill for an act requiring rescission of existing regulations by state agencies when new regulations are adopted, providing for approval by the department of management of rulemaking, providing related procedures, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
12 p.m.
HF 502: A bill for an act relating to various matters under the purview of the insurance division of the department of commerce, providing fees, making an appropriation, and resolving inconsistencies.
HSB 228: A bill for an act relating to pharmacy benefits managers, pharmacies, and prescription drug benefits, and including applicability provisions.
HSB 254: A bill for an act relating to the acquisition and possession of weapons and providing penalties.
12:30 p.m.
HSB 241: A bill for an act relating to the midwest interstate passenger rail compact, and including effective date provisions.
HSB 258: A bill for an act providing for requirements related to racism or sexism trainings at, and diversity and inclusion efforts by, school districts and public postsecondary educational institutions.
HSB 251: A bill for an act relating to driver’s license restrictions, including ignition interlock device requirements for a first operating-while-intoxicated offense.
12:45 p.m.
HSB 250: A bill for an act relating to participation in and credit for physical education under the educational standards.
1 p.m.
A bill for an act concerning private sector employee drug testing.
HF 647: A bill for an act creating a restore the outdoors program to support vertical infrastructure projects by the department of natural resources, and making appropriations.
1:30 p.m.
HF 564: A bill for an act relating to student concussion and brain injury policies.