Here is the link to the subcommittees taking place in the Iowa House today, Feb. 1. At the link you’ll also find video links for each meeting as well as the opportunity to leave public comment.
11 a.m.
HSB 111: A bill for an act relating to the office of the chief information officer, including procurement preferences and a report detailing state information technology assets.
HSB 97: A bill for an act relating to the use of fees collected by a county recorder for filing and recording instruments in the county recorder’s office.
11:30 a.m.
HSB 149: A bill for an act relating to vegetation management by certain electric suppliers.
HF 207: A bill for an act relating to lodging for certain peace officers employed by the state who engage in travel.
12 p.m.
HSB 60: A bill for an act concerning the authority of a native wine manufacturer to sell native wine for on-premises consumption.
HF 33: A bill for an act requiring the installation and maintenance of adult changing stations at highway rest areas.
12:30 p.m.
HSB 93: A bill for an act relating to property tax classifications, assessment limitations, and administration, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HSB 40: A bill for an act allowing counties to collect a fee for the issuance and renewal of driver’s licenses and nonoperator’s identification cards to persons who reside outside the county.
1 p.m.
HSB 56: A bill for an act designating certain county flood mitigation activities as an essential county purpose.
1:30 p.m.
HF 77: A bill for an act relating to requirements for and restrictions on special minor’s driver’s licenses, and making penalties applicable.
5 p.m.
HSB 119: A bill for an act relating to various matters under the purview of the insurance division of the department of commerce, providing fees, making an appropriation, and resolving inconsistencies.
HSB 154: A bill for an act relating to applications for architectural licensure and including retroactive applicability provisions.
HSB 155: A bill for an act requiring school districts and certain accredited nonpublic schools to offer the pledge of allegiance and to display the United States flag in the classroom during the recitation of the pledge of allegiance.(Formerly HF 104.)
HF 157: A bill for an act relating to the operation of motor vehicles in the left-most lane of certain roadways, and making penalties applicable.
5:30 p.m.
HSB 150: A bill for an act relating to self-service storage insurance, and including applicability provisions.