The following bills are in Iowa House subcommittee meetings today, Jan. 17. You can find links to live stream each meeting here.
9:30 a.m. – HF 28 — House Lounge — A bill for an act related to forgery involving movie prop money, and providing penalties. Members include: Representatives Jon Dunwell, Megan Jones and Ross Wilburn.
12 p.m. – HF 10 — RM 304 — A bill for an act relating to education, including requirements related to mandatory reporters, a process for investigating complaints against licensed practitioners, and the responsibilities of the department of education, school districts, charter schools, accredited nonpublic schools, and the board of educational examiners. Members include: Representatives Brooke Boden, Bill Gustoff and Art Staed.
12 p.m. – HSB 2 — House Lounge — A bill for an act relating to rental agreements and early termination rights of tenants who are victims of certain crimes. Members include: Representatives Bobby Kaufmann, Henry Stone and Beth Wessel-Kroeschell.
12 p.m. – HF 37 — RM 304.1 — A bill for an act relating to the disabled veteran homestead tax credit and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. Members include: Representatives Matthew Rinker, Sue Cahill and Heather Hora.
4 p.m. – HSB 4 — House Lounge — A bill for an act relating to an exception to the real estate transfer tax for deeds that transfer distributions of assets to beneficiaries of a trust. Members include: Representatives Megan Jones, Bill Gustoff and Megan Srinivas.