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Irony is an everyday part of politics. And it is heavy in an email the ACLU sent to supporters on Tuesday.

“Last week we saw another wave of attacks on our abortion rights,” the email from Jennifer Dalven, director of the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, said. “Georgia became the fourth state this year to outlaw abortion at six weeks, before most people even know they’re pregnant. So we’re suing.”

Alabama postponed a vote on what would become the nation’s strictest abortion ban, and the ACLU vows to sue Alabama if it passes.

The ironic part?

“I can’t say it enough, ACLU supporter: We’re in the fight of our lives,” Dalven said. “And the only way we can continue to defend our abortion rights is with your support.”

The ACLU wants us to believe the fight of our lives is making sure we can end the lives of the unborn. What kind of life must one lead to rely on the right to kill an unborn baby to raise money?

How lost is this portion of our society?

According to this email, our lives can’t continue if we can’t end the lives of unborn babies.

“It’s going to take everything we’ve got, but if you’re with us, I know we’ll win,” the email concluded.

Author: Jacob Hall


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