How the new Congress threatens the pro-life movement

We live in volatile times. The new Congress splits down the middle with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans. Since the Vice President breaks ties, the party of abortion has the power to radically change our country.

President-elect Joe Biden has been clear of his intent to undo pro-life executive-branch policies enacted by outgoing president, Donald Trump. A few examples:

  • Under Trump, providers of Title X can’t tell patients how they can access abortion services. Under Biden, that will change back to Obama policies.
  • Trump supports the Hyde Amendment, which prevents taxpayer money from being used to pay for abortions. Biden has vowed to end it.
  • Trump stopped the use of taxpayer dollars to fund overseas abortions. Biden plans to start up the practice again.
  • Trump reduced taxpayer dollars going to Planned Parenthood.
  • Trump canceled a contract for Taxpayer-funded experimentation using body parts of aborted babies.
  • Trump became the first sitting president to address the annual March for Life a year ago.

Biden will most likely reverse all of these policies.

Taxpayer-funded abortions

Even more, incoming members of the abortion party call for taxpayer-funded abortion for all nine months of pregnancy and ‘pre-clearance’ by the attorney general on pro-life legislation passed at the state level, an obstacle that will surely halt the pro-life movement in its tracks.

All of this is bad news for the pro-life movement, but it’s not the worst of it. Democrats are focused on making changes in our process of governance via the new Congress to give them a permanent majority in the Congress and perennial control of the White House.

Process changes

Notably, Democratic legislators are pushing Chuck Schumer to scrap the filibuster, which would allow the Senate to make sweeping changes in process with a simple majority voter (rather than 60), with VP Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote.

Notably, they call for statehood for Washington DC, a district of which 76% of registered voters are Democrats compared to just 6% Republican. DC statehood would give the abortion party a permanent two extra Senate seats and one additional representative in the House of Representatives.

Notably, they credibly threaten to pack the Supreme Court with activist judges of the ilk who gave us Roe v Wade.

A one-party nation

According to Issues & Insights, the endgame for the activist wing of the abortion party is to turn the U.S. into a one-party country, along the lines of California where Democrats have controlled the legislature for half a century.

Iowans for LIFE is a non-partisan organization. Sadly, one political party is solidly pro-abortion. The changes in process advocated by Democrats threaten to block the good work at the state level, where pro-lifers have made tremendous gains in the past decade.

Pro-life gains

In our recent election, Republicans came into the election controlling both houses of 28 state legislatures. But the November elections showed their numbers increased to 32 states now controlled by the pro-life party, the most ever by Republicans.

Iowa Republicans increased their advantage in the Iowa House from 53 to 47 to 59 to 41, as they picked up six seats, while maintaining their whopping 32 – 18 advantage in the Senate.

Suddenly, the possibility of passing a Protect Life Amendment is back on the table. Iowans for LIFE will be at the forefront of this movement.

The abortion party pursues topdown policies that stifle state rights. The pro-life party counters with sensible bottom-up legislation supported by a majority of voters. The new Congress threatens this good work.


Author: Iowans For Life


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