HYPOCRISY: Democrat representative claims charter school bill is about money, not kids

Democrat Rep. Sharon Steckman was one of many Iowa House Democrats who spoke against House File 813 on Wednesday night.

The bill, which would expand parental choice in education by allowing for the creation of more public charter schools, passed on a 55-40 vote.

Steckman’s final 11 words are what I want to focus on.

“I think this bill is not about kids, it’s about money,” she said.

It would be interesting if someone went back through the entire “debate” on the bill and the amendments offered and counted how many times Democrats expressed despair about dollars and how many times they expressed concern for kids.

I guarantee Republican Rep. Skyler Wheeler, who floor managed the bill, was asked about money a lot. He was asked about students a little — which may actually be a generous estimation.

First of all, if schools are “barely making it by” right now, it is their fault — not the fault of Republicans in the Iowa Legislature.

More than half of the state’s budget is devoted to education spending. And the state has a pretty hefty budget.

A lot of money goes toward administrative costs rather than educational expenses.

But, that’s another discussion for another day.

It is laughable that a Democrat in the Iowa House attempted to convince Iowans the charter school bill is about money and not about kids.

For Democrats, education is about two things — money and control.

Rarely, if ever, do Democrats mention individual students or parental rights when talking about education.

It’s about money. It’s about power. It’s about indoctrination.

It is never about students for Democrats.

The purpose of education is not to feed a power-hungry teacher’s union. It isn’t to strengthen an institution.

It is to teach kids what they need to know for life in the most effective, efficient way possible.

In three years sitting through various subcommittees, committee meetings and floor debates in the Iowa legislature, I have never heard a Democrat argument on education putting parents first.


And there’s a reason why — because Democrats believe educrats know better than moms and dads.

It really isn’t that complicated.

To suggest giving parents more choice in education is putting money before students is a real stretch. Actually, it’s a lie.

Education is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor.

Iowa Democrats showed on Wednesday night they don’t have the best interest of parents and students at heart — but the interest of the teacher’s union and educrats.

Democrats constantly ask why Iowa is no longer a leader nationally in education. If they really want a solution, it isn’t difficult — get the government out of the way.

Let people make the decision best for their individual situation — whether it’s government school, private school, homeschool, online school or public charter school.

If the government would ever be willing to relinquish some of the power it has over education, it may be shocked at the positive results that would follow.

Author: Jacob Hall


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