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“If Dems Were in Control” will be a feature here at The Iowa Standard that looks at some of the bills proposed by Democrats in the Iowa Legislature. It should provide you with satisfaction that Republicans control state government.”

Democrat Sen. Joe Bolkcom and Rep. Mary Mascher each introduced legislation regarding end-of-life options in Iowa. Senators Rich Taylor, Claire Celsi and Bill Dotzler cosponsored Bolkcom’s legislation.

The bills would create the “Iowa End-of-Life Options Act.” It says a competent adult patient, who is a resident of Iowa and is terminally ill with less than six months to live (as verified by two physicians) to voluntarily request medication that will end the person’s life.

The patient must make an oral request, then a subsequent oral request no less than 15 days after the initial request, and a written request for the medication. There’s a 48-hour waiting period between the submission of the written request and the writing of the prescription.

Currently there are assisted dying laws in California, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and Washington D.C.


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