Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem “returned a bill designed to prevent biological men from competing in biological women’s sports back to her state legislature … for changes.” Why did she do this after she celebrated International Women’s Day by defending women’s sports? Because national politics on the issue of transgenderism is affecting everything. “The changes include removing collegiate athletics from the bill, thereby limiting its application to K–12 athletics, and modifying language about civil liability and performance-enhancing drugs.”
Here’s the problem:
Noem argued the bill would cause collegiate athletics in her state to suffer because the “national governing bodies” most notably the National Collegiate Athletic Association—would require compliance with their organizations’ policies that conflict with those of House Bill 1217. “South Dakota has shown that our student athletes can compete with anyone in the country,” Noem wrote, “but competing on the national stage means compliance with the national governing bodies that oversee collegiate athletics.”
For example, “The NCAA has produced a 38-page policy statement on the inclusion of transgender athletes in NCAA sports competitions.” Here’s No. 10:
- Policies governing the participation of transgender students in athletics should comply with state and federal laws protecting students from discrimination based on sex, disability, and gender identity and expression.
This isn’t the government. It’s a very powerful and rich athletic association. College athletics is big business. States that are rejecting transgenderism in sports need to band together and tell the NCAA to take a hike. If enough of them do this, especially in states where a sport like football is king, the NCAA would have to accommodate their actions.
If people want to choose 1 or more of the 75+ constructed sexual identities that the folks at Facebook have created, they are free to do so. But what they aren’t free to do is force you or me to accept their irrational choices. If people do accept what’s irrational, then liberalism in all its forms will win.
Gender fluidity is no more real than the fluidity of set concrete. If something is fluid, it doesn’t have staying power or “fixity.” In reality, I can’t be a man one day and then feel like I’m a woman the next day and then claim that I should have access to a woman’s restroom or use the force of law to get a tryout with a girl’s college basketball team as one man did. It’s irrational to think otherwise.
And that’s its purpose.
The larger agenda here is to force irrational conformity on us so that in time we will accept anything and everything the State and its supportive agencies propose and force into law. It starts with small irrational stuff and leads to bigger stuff, like justifying murdering millions of Jews for the greater good. Or convincing women that killing their unborn children is a fundamental right and a good and essential moral choice.
We’ve already accepted so much irrationality that most people can’t see it. Millions of Americans are OK with taxing some people so their money can be given to other people who did nothing to earn it. In a day of fixed moral values and rational thought, this would have been called stealing. Another word for it would be “slavery,” working while someone else enjoys the fruit (pay) of another person’s labor.
The greater good argument has gotten us into a fiscal nightmare, and each new morning does not make it go away. The nightmare gets worse every day. Even so, the irrationality continues.
Angelo M. Codevilla, the author of The Ruling Class, shows with this excerpt from his essay “The Rise of Political Correctness” how irrationalism leads to moral insanity:
Consider our ruling class’s very latest demand: Americans must agree that someone with a penis can be a woman, while someone else with a vagina can be a man. Complying with such arbitrariness is beyond human capacity. In Orwell’s 1984, as noted, Big Brother’s agent demanded that Winston acknowledge seeing five fingers while he was holding up four. But that is small stuff next to what the U.S. ruling class is demanding of a free people. Because courts and agencies just impose their diktats, without bothering to try to persuade, millions of precisely the kind of citizens who prize stability have become willing to take a wrecking ball to what little remains of the American republic, not caring so much what happens next.
The thing about it is, some people do believe 2 + 2 can equal 5 because the process of thinking rationally is a Western idea. It’s worse than that since many have been conditioned to believe that 0+0 = trillions of dollars and prosperity can be achieved by printing more money and adding it to the economy and by this prosperity will be right around the corner.
If people can be convinced that money can be created out of thin air and a woman can become a man, and a man a woman, there’s nothing they can’t be convinced of without the use of force.