Based on a recent phone and online survey performed by Rasmussen Reports, impeachment failed to accomplish anything for Democrats.
Forty-two percent of likely voters said the proceedings didn’t make much difference in their opinion of President Donald J. Trump. Twenty-nine percent said it made their opinion of President Trump worse while 28 percent said they have a better opinion of President Trump.
Forty-four percent of Republicans said the proceedings made their opinion of President Trump better. Forty-one percent said it didn’t make much difference. Only 13 percent of Republicans said it made their opinion of Trump worse.
Nearly three-fourths (73 percent) of GOP voters told Rasmussen Reports that President Trump is still the kind of leader the Republican Party needs. Only 24 percent said the GOP needs to get away from the legacy of President Trump.
Voters unaffiliated with either major party often are viewed as a key bloc. Only 24 percent of those voters said impeachment proceedings made their opinion of Trump worse. Twenty percent said it improved their opinion of President Trump. Fifty-four percent said it did not make much difference.
More than that, 48 percent of unaffiliated voters said President Trump is the kind of leader the GOP needs. Forty-two percent said the GOP needs to get away from Trump’s legacy.
Rasmussen also said that since December, the opinions of unaffiliated voters have shifted more toward President Trump when asked whether Republicans need to be more like President Trump or more like the average GOP member of Congress.