Bodily Autonomy Bills for the year:
SF125 – Medical Examiner Bill, made it out of committee, was never brought to the floor.
SF555 – Covid Vaccine Employment Bill, made it out of committee, was never brought to the floor.
HF632 – VAERS Bill, made it out of committee, was never brought to the floor.
HF819 – Parental Rights Bill, passed both chambers. Was not rediscussed in House after being amended in Senate.
HF889/SF610 – Vaccine Passport Bill, signed into law. Will allow for legalized medical discrimination and does not protect employees.
HF847 – School Mask Mandate Bill- signed into law!
Good job Iowans showing up to fight on multiple occasions by the masses and answering every CTA! Thank you for showing up in mass for rallies, lobbying, and for subcommittee meetings!
This isn’t over and we cannot stop advocating for more reforms, especially of Emergency Powers and forced/coerced vaccination rules that are still occurring.
Iowans, it’s time to stand up and fight back.
Prepare for lawsuits, walk out of your employer, refuse to comply with the growing discrimination between those vaccinated and not…. We are just getting started because the legislature has been clear that when you are an employee your individual rights don’t matter if it impacts the business.
Saturday, June 19, 2021
State Senator Jim Carlin Candidate for US Senate with Guest Speaker Dr. Lee Merritt
Senator Carlin pushed forward legislation to hold the medical industry accountable + preserve bodily autonomy.
Dr. Merritt is a strong advocate of the free market and patient centered medical care. Dr. Merritt is is an author and a member of America’s Frontline Doctors working to expose the misconceptions related to the covid pandemic.
For more details and tickets, click here.
Saturday, Nov 13, 2021
2021 Informed Conference
Every November we host the Informed Conference in Des Moines, IA where we showcase a variety of topics covering all angles of vaccine information. This is an all-day event where people can learn more about informed consent and network with other like-minded people.
ICI + Stand For Health Freedom
Have you heard about our recent partnership with Stand for Health Freedom?!
They are a HUGE asset and will help us connect with you directly for CTAs, petitions, surveys etc. as well as legislative emailing.
This means NO CENSORSHIP, instant access to time-sensitive action items and digital data that will speak volumes to legislators.
To Join the Movement + be alerted to upcoming opportunities to STAND, visit their website + sign up.