On Tuesday we told you about an Iowa company that will require proof of vaccination for employees who wish to return to normal — meaning no more mandatory masking.
Today we’re telling you about another Iowa employer who is telling employees that employees and customers who are fully vaccinated are no longer required to wear a mask unless local health officials decide otherwise.
In addition, if a customer or employee requests an employee wear a mask, “they must do so.”
The message sent to employees then discusses vaccination.
“Vaccination continues to be a topic of national debate,” it states. “Personally, I see it like taxes: I don’t like to pay them, but I do it anyway because it’s the law and it’s my civic responsibility. Vaccination is very similar: I see it as my responsibility to help keep others safe as we work toward herd immunity and, as such, I’ve been vaccinated. I strongly encourage you to get vaccinated to help be part of the solution.”
HR managers in the company will shortly have “vaxxed” stickers that can be added to an employee’s nametag.
“Please wear them to help customers feel comfortable as they interact with you,” the email said.