An Emergency Room doctor wrote their “last” Facebook post about COVID and, they said, maybe their last Facebook post ever — about people deciding not to receive the COVID vaccine.
“As a result, the virus has been given an opportunity to mutate and spread and continue to kill,” wrote Chad Torstenson. “There is no stopping it now. Every one of us will get COVID at some point. The vaccinated will hopefully have mild symptoms. I am now seeing a healthcare system similar to New York City when the planes hit the Twin Towers. Except this is every single day.
“In regards to the unvaccinated, I wish you well but from an evolution standpoint, maybe it is time to thin the herd. Darwin was right, natural selection is occurring right before our eyes.”
Torstenson said evolution occurs every day.
“Those of us who decide to get vaccinated will likely survive,” he wrote. “Those of you who don’t, despite the science, will eventually develop medical problems overtime or the virus or both. Regardless, we are friends and we will see each other someday if there is an afterlife where I will say to you, ‘you stupid motherfu*ker why didn’t you get vaccinated? You left your kids and spouse too soon! You didn’t listen to the science and yet ran to the Emergency Room when you got COVID and couldn’t breathe.'”
Torstenson said he was “sorry” for those he offended.
“You don’t get to walk a mile in my shoes in healthcare and I don’t get a walk in your shoes at the shallow end of the gene pool,” he wrote. “We simply don’t understand each other. Best of luck.”
Torstenson said he has seen more than 300 COVID patients actively infected and he is not dead.
“I am proudly vaccinated,” he wrote. “I wish the rest of my family had the opportunity to obtain this wonderful gift of vaccination before they died. I wish it would’ve been available sooner.”
To his credit, Torstenson has been critical of Dr. Anthony Fauci.
“Fauci is a putz,” he wrote. “He funded the gain-of-function research and then failed the American people with his mixed messages and hoped that we could contain it with masks and eventual vaccines. Didn’t work. He used our tax dollars to fund genocide so he could write a research paper on it. The Germans did a similar thing and it caused WWII.”
I don’t know Chad, but I know a drunken/drug induced late night rant when I hear one. Dr. Chad’s ER patients are not that impressed either by giving him just 3 out of 5 stars as he bounces from ER to ER around Iowa. Chad is also the Founder and CEO of RoHo /, an on-line Real Estate agency with 8 employees down in Waukee. I find myself always circling back to ‘Random Urinalysis’ as a way to solve so many of life’s problems. And to Chad I would like to say: you stupid motherfu*ker why didn’t you get yourself back into Rehab before you kill again…