On numerous occasions in the past few years, Iowa Democrats including Reps. Cindy Axne and Abby Finkenauer — along with congressional candidates Rita Hart and J.D. Scholten — have gone to great lengths to speak out against sexual assault and harrassment when allegations come to light. But with Tara Reade’s corroborated sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden, things seem to be startlingly different; they’ve been completely silent — thus far enjoying a free pass from the media.
Cindy Axne
- In 2017, Cindy Axne accused Betsy DeVos of making a “morally wrong” decision to roll back Title IX enforcement. “We need stronger enforcement for sexual-assault allegations,” she said.
- Reality check: Joe Biden would be found guilty of rape under the Title IX standard he supports.
- In 2018, Axne called on Nate Boulton to “take responsibility” after sexual assault allegations were made, tanking his gubernatorial bid. “Sexual harassment or misconduct can’t be tolerated in any setting,” Axne tweeted.
- Axne has endorsed Joe Biden. Iowans deserve to know if she holds the leader of her party to this same standard.
Abby Finkenauer
- In 2017, Abby Finkenauer returned a donation from Al Franken after groping allegations forced him to resign from the Senate. “Sexual assault is not a partisan problem,” Finkenauer said. “Democrats need to hold ourselves to the same standards as we would demand of Republicans.”
- Finkenauer also called on Nate Boulton to resign from the state Senate in 2018. She said she “has always stood up against sexual harassment and misconduct regardless of party, and that this is no different.”
- Finkenauer has endorsed Job Biden. Will she refuse to accept his help with her campaign? Does she still believe sexual assault isn’t a partisan problem?
Rita Hart
- When the allegations against Nate Boulton came to light, Rita Hart said she supported the Minority Leader’s decision “to request a resignation from Senator Boulton or submit to a full, independent investigation.”
- So what does she think about the allegations made against her party leader? Does Hart think Biden should either resign or submit to a full, independent investigation?
J.D. Scholten
- J.D. Scholten has also been outspoken when it comes to allegations of sexual assault. “It doesn’t matter who you are, what job you hold, or what political party you belong to. This is not a partisan issue. Sexual harassment and abuse of power is morally wrong!” Scholten wrote.
- If he truly believes party doesn’t matter, what does he have to say about his party’s standard-bearer and the allegations Tara Reade made against him?
Time to hold Democrats’ feet to the fire and ask the tough questions. All Iowa Democrats must answer for this credible allegation against their standard-bearer, former Senator, Vice President, and presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Joe Biden.