Iowa needs to take long, hard look at no-excuse absentee voting

Georgia undoubtedly had issues with the 2020 election. There is no denying it. The state serves as ground zero for concerns in terms of what worked and what didn’t work.

And the state is taking the necessary steps to address some of those concerns.

Perhaps nothing needs examined more than the idea of no-excuse absentee voting.

Full disclosure, I say this as someone who has voted absentee in the last two Presidential elections. And maybe even some others — I honestly cannot remember.

I don’t vote by mail, but I go to the Auditor’s office in person to vote early believing I am helping limit the Election Day rush.

But after the 2020 election, I’ve come to accept that voting shouldn’t be about “convenience.” People have figured out how to vote in our country for hundreds of years. They haven’t needed it to be as simple as possible. They’ve been willing to put some sort of effort into it.

And that makes sense, because the right to vote, the freedom to vote, the ability to vote in free and fair elections have come at great cost in terms of lives and bloodshed for defending our country.

And the idea of Election Day — DAY, D-A-Y — should not be a huge ask for voters.

Georgia’s bill offers exceptions for people who have an excuse to vote absentee. Iowa would be wise to consider doing the same.

Are we really so lazy that asking us to show up and vote at a polling place on Election Day is a major inconvenience? What if it helps bolster the integrity of our elections? Is it not worth it?

Mail-in voting allows an increased opportunity for cheating compared to voting in-person on Election Day.

It’s an issue I’ve heard from many people as I have driven across the state — they miss the concept of Election Day.

Now, it doesn’t serve everyone well. There are some who face more challenges than others in terms of getting to the polls on Election Day. And reasonable people can agree to let them vote early.

But for most of us, asking us to take some time out of our day once every two or four years to show up at the polling place to cast our ballot isn’t asking the world of us.

Elected leaders should declare Election Day a holiday, ensuring most people will have the day off, and do away with no-excuse absentee voting.

It might seem inconvenient. It might seem like a hassle.

But it will help the integrity of our elections.

And there is no price we can put on peace of mind in terms of election integrity.

Author: Jacob Hall


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