A licensed sex therapist and professional counselor called Miranda Galbreath discussed what she called “minor-attracted persons” in a YouTube video.
“They are probably the most vilified population of folks in our culture,” Galbreath said.
She said “most folks” make incorrect assumptions about them and those assumptions create harm for “an already marginalized population.”
She explained her use of “minor-attracted person” instead of pedophile.
“The term pedophile has moved from being a diagnostic label to being a judgmental, hurtful insult that we hurl at people in order to harm them or slander them. I also prefer person-first language that recognizes that any label we apply to a person is only part of who they are and doesn’t represent everything that they are. We are all people first with many different facets or parts of ourselves, and this includes folks who are attracted to minors.”
Galbreath said during her video many “minor-attracted persons” never act on their attractions. She said they simply have an “enduring sexual or romantic attraction to minors.”
“They’ve not chosen this attraction just as the rest of us have not chosen whatever our attraction is. you don’t get to choose to be heterosexual or to be gay or whatever you are. And you don’t get to choose to be a minor-attracted person.”
She said attraction does not equal action.
“I want to be clear that attraction does not equal action. Just because a person is attracted to minors does not mean that they have acted on that attraction or will ever act on that attraction. Just like all the rest of us, acting on an attraction is a choice that we make. Many minor-attracted persons have never acted on their attraction and are committed to never acting on their attraction. I’m sure we could all think of a person, or many persons, we were attracted to but never acted on that attraction. And the same is true for many minor-attracted folks.”
She then said most individuals who sexually victimize children are not minor-attracted people.
“Most people who sexually victimize children are primarily attracted to minors.
“They simply choose to victimize a child or children because children are readily available, they trust adults, they’re easy to victimize, they’re easy to keep quiet and it’s easy for adults not to believe them,” she said. “Most of the adults who sexually victimize children would’ve preferred consensual sexual contact with an adult. Many minor-attracted persons never act on their attraction.”
She said there is a lack of research on “minor-attracted persons” because those individuals hide their attraction for fear of losing their entire life if they come out as a “minor-attracted person.”
According to ABC News 4, Galbreath’s website states she has 20 years of experience working in the mental health industry and her primary work is for the state of Pennsylvania, which includes “evaluation and treatment services in the community and within state prisons to folks who have committed sexual offenses.”
You can watch the video below:
People that did not see this coming are not paying attention. This culture is weaponizing every false idea and false god against our children. People must read the Bible and get cemented in God’s word and be prepared to stand firm against every evil that is being unleashed in America.