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Jefferson County Public Schools promotes a position labeled as a “Diversity Hiring Specialist” who helps the district hire staff based on an “equitable hiring process.” The school district is explicit in that the hiring process will take into consideration “minority” status. The district states:

The newly created position of Diversity Hiring Specialist will provide support and guidance to minority recruitment and retention in JCPS, especially at the administrative level, grade eight and above. The Diversity Hiring Specialist will collaborate with Human Resources, the JCPS Recruiting Team, all hiring supervisors, and all principals to ensure a fair, inclusive, and equitable hiring process. The Diversity Hiring Specialist will recruit, hire, and promote with Equal Employment Opportunity principles in mind and through implementing practices designed to widen and diversify the pool of candidates considered for employment, including vacancies in management and leadership.

The school district supports hiring staff based on minority status.

The district also has an “Economic Diversity/Equity Program Review Committee (EDEPRC)” that appears to prioritize the district working with “Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and Women Business Enterprises (WBE)” rather than other companies. The district states on the committee’s page: “We will ensure fair and inclusive opportunities when procuring construction contractors, professional service contractors, and vendors or suppliers of tangible goods and commodities.”

The district also explains that staff will be trained in this: “We will educate our employees by providing mandatory anti-discrimination, diversity, and inclusion training to all district staff involved in any and all district procurement processes and business operations and practices.”

The district prioritizes working with companies that have “minority” ownership.

The district has a “Coordinator Minority Enterprise” position with a purpose of procuring partnerships with specifically minority-owned businesses. Duties of this role include “facilitating the district’s contractor prequalification process” and “working with vendors and contractors to better understand and embrace MBE/WBE goals.”

The district has a position called “Coordinator Minority Enterprise” to lead partnerships with specifically minority-owned businesses.

Author: Press Release


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