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This morning, Amy Klobuchar is throwing her support behind Joe Biden’s latest venture – his disastrous economic plan. As she takes no questions from reporters and talk to those firmly in her camp, here’s a reminder of all the ways Biden’s plans would take Iowa’s economy back in time:
- Joe Biden has proposed more than $3.4 trillion in new spending in just the last month – which doesn’t include the additional $4 trillion he’s already proposed to spend over a decade. But don’t worry, Joe Biden has a plan that even Amy Klobuchar can get behind, that’s right raising taxes.
- Both Biden and Klobuchar have spent the cycle railing against middle-class tax cuts that have helped people in Iowa. Under Joe Biden, 82 percent of middle-class Americans would see their taxes go up and the average Iowan would be forced to give up their $1,423.99 tax cut.
- Meanwhile, jobs would suffer. Under President Trump, the economy roared as Americans saw unemployment go down and wages go up. Under Biden’s plan, studies show the economy would shrink by 1.5 percent and has the potential to kill nearly 600,000 jobs.
- Saving the best for last, Iowa’s ag industry – the largest contributor to the state’s economy – would be decimated if Joe Biden was running the show. In throwing his support behind the Green New Deal and making Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the chair of his climate task force, Biden has vowed to kill “hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs” and push through a plan that once pushed for financial penalties on ag producers – like a $2,000 tax per cow for dairy farmers to offset “cow farts.”
Bottom Line: When forced to decide between Joe Biden’s crippling tax hikes and President Trump’s pro-growth economic plan, the choice for Iowans couldn’t be clearer.