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One could say that the surge of Bloomberg isn’t surprising considering the fact that the former front runner Biden has done nothing but gaff his way through town hall meetings and seemingly age-related mental slip-ups on a consistent basis.

However, another factor is undoubtedly the confusing messages being put forth by the rest of the potential nominees in the Democratic race. Pandering farther and farther to the left by promising everything from Koolaid in the middle school fountains to mansions in every neighborhood.

That said, another ironic twist has been the consistent characterization of Trump as a greedy Billionaire that is a racist xenophobe hell-bent on patting his own back and stroking an ego the size of New York City by those in the mix for the nomination.

What puzzles me at this point is the fact that in the Democrats race, supporters were previously anti-big money and against anyone worth more than $999 million and yet they are being swayed by commercials from someone that is worth almost 30 times more than Trump.

It’s like watching a crowd of ADD/ADHD sufferers completely off meds as they try to focus their attention as a group on what they really want.

But, let’s talk about the difference in campaign styles between Trump and Bloomberg.

Trump beat Hillary with targeted Social Media Ads and Tweets… he grabbed the hearts and votes of America’s backbone breadwinners – The Middle Class- simply by saying; “Hey, we need to stop apologizing to the World about how great we are as a people and a country.”

His message rattled the Left by forcing them to double down on their consistent Social Justice campaign that said that anyone on the Right simply HATED everyone else. Period.

Remember that moniker spouted by Hillary?


(Her timing couldn’t have been better)

Now, let’s get back to MONEY in 2016

Hillary spent $565 million
Trump spent $322 million
Trump’s message was simple:
“We are Americans and we are good people.”

It was his message that won. His brash personality and “say it like I feel it” resounded with voters and actually compelled them to take action.

Hillary couldn’t hold a candle to his projection during the debates… and certainly, her bitterness and fake smile while on stage with her husband at the Democrat Convention didn’t help.

Fast forward to now…

Trump still has his Tweets that either drive people crazy or cause massive support. He throws his opponents off into so many directions that they are always on their heels. His Impeachment in the House was clearly drawn along Party Lines and the Dems showed their true colors on how desperate they are against his reign as a “People’s President” by putting America first.

While the stodgy Bloomberg is waffling on his old ideas and past. He doesn’t have the personality that Trump has and he has decided to “buy the Nomination” and force his opponents out with big-spending that drives the Ad prices up so high that the others can’t afford to advertise at the same rate he can.

In the short time since he has announced his candidacy, he has already spent $265 million.

That’s right since December he has spent more than 2/3 of what Trump did in 2016.

So, my question is- will he literally buy the Nomination and the Party then cave- or, will he lose at a brokered convention as the Party as a whole combines their numbers against him to force him out simply because he is the antithesis to what ALL of them have been claiming all along;

Billionaires are evil.

The Bernie and Warren voters would run from the polls in November 2020 if Bloomberg won the nomination and I would venture to say that the Democrat Party would fall into a tailspin the likes of which no one has ever seen.

Author: Kent Larsen


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