There is no time to lose. A vaccine for COVID-19 could be approved as early as next month. The CDC strongly urges states to prepare for mass vaccine injections starting in less than 60 days!
Patriots recently rallied at the Virginia state capital to fight mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations statewide. What has already started in Virginia can sweep across the nation in either a wave of mandatory vaccinations or demands for freedom. Help tip the scales toward freedom with your urgent fax straight to governors and legislators all over America to demand freedom now. – Mat
A governor’s emergency order or a bureaucrat’s whim are not the only ways to force an under tested vaccine on you, that is laced with aborted fetal cell lines. In case you missed it, below is information on an explosive study on how to manipulate people who don’t want the vaccine into becoming advocates who will then pressure others to get injected.
A shocking study is being led by Yale University to find the best way to manipulate you to take a COVID-19 vaccine. But it doesn’t stop there. It tracks 10 messages to determine how effective each one is at manipulating someone to become a community enforcer who will pressure others to take the vaccine.
Keep in mind that many of the front-runner COVID-19 vaccines include cell lines from the kidneys of a little girl aborted in the Netherlands. She is known only as “HEK-293.”
Even if you want a COVID vaccine, it should chill everyone to the bones that government officials and universities are searching for how best to raise up a community of Gestapo agents to push this injection.
Now is the time to make your voice heard against mandatory vaccines and the inclusion of fetal cells. Congress and the governors of each state will decide whether they will require COVID-19 vaccinations or maintain freedom. Send your fax to our national and state leaders to demand freedom regarding vaccines today.
We are communicating with the highest levels of state and federal governments to express these concerns. These leaders need to hear from you.
This study explores the use of the following messages to manipulate people getting the vaccine: guilt, anger, embarrassment, trust in science, personal freedom, community interest, economic freedom, economic benefit, self-interest, and saying, “those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are not brave.”
Then it will study participants’ “willingness to persuade others to take the COVID-19 vaccine” and their “fear of those who have not been vaccinated.” Finally, it will ask participants to measure “the trustworthiness, selfishness, likeableness, and competence of those who choose not to get vaccinated.”
YOUR freedom is under a microscope to be dissected, studied, and manipulated against your will. Send a fax today to these governors and legislators.
Even before a vaccine was available, the Prime Minister of Australia signed contract to buy the aborted-fetal-cell vaccine from AstraZeneca/Oxford, if it finishes trials. He said his plan is to make COVID-19 vaccinations “as mandatory as you can make it.”
A few hours later, because of citizen outcry, the Prime Minister was forced to clarify that police would “not” be holding people down to force this injection on them (like some places in AU are doing to enforce masks). But his initial words reveal his desire to force people to get vaccinated.
Other nations are looking to America for leadership. In addition, our staff on Capitol Hill knows that our nation’s leaders want to hear from you. Do you care to protect your freedom when it comes to vaccines? And it isn’t just about your freedom — it extends to freedom around the world.
Make sure our precious freedom is never lost. Now is the moment to get your message on the desks of the leaders who can protect or punish those who refuse to inject this vaccine. Send your fax today.
Our staff members in D.C. are in very high-level conversations regarding tissue in these vaccines and we are fighting to get out this special message against mandatory fetal-cell-containing vaccinations. We can only continue these conversations and have a presence on Capitol Hill and in the White House because of your generous donations and support.