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“I work in a nursing home. We were just informed that CMS, which directs Medicaid and Medicare, just mandated that all individuals who have not gotten a shot have to wear an N95 mask to work. Everyone else, a regular surgical mask.
“Blatant discrimination. Pretty much categorizing people. Think of the outcry if it was based on skin tone, which pretty much can be considered the same thing.
“Healthy individuals being treated as second-class citizens. Attorneys need to get involved. Wish I could afford one.”
- Withholding the author’s name for obvious reasons
The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the constitution. Thomas Jefferson
End the declaration of the national emergency now! End all mandates. Write every elected official in our state and demand this be done. They work for us.
Love that cover photo of a creative face scam, lol. It is tyranny and discrimination. I’m so beyond over it all!!