These are some of my thoughts in relation to government and ethics. Who holds government officials accountable in the case of ethics and potential violations? Forgive my skepticism, but can elected officials really be trusted to investigate themselves? Is it justifiable that powerful lobbyists can overpower and overshadow the voice of the people who dare challenge them?
I would love to hear what sort of limitations to their own elected powers [and that of paid lobbyists], candidates running for election & re-election are proposing in Iowa. Are there any voices of reason calling for those with conflicts of interest such as a financial stake in industry from honorably recusing to speak and/or from voting in such manners? If not, maybe they should be, because the public deserves to know. A financial stake in industry could imply that politicians only care about their own selfish agenda, and are possibly receiving money, favors, gifts, or lucrative job offers just to name a few. Well, no wonder some politicians are selectively blind, ignoring the people, with the lame excuses. Seal up these conflicts of interests, limit revolving doors, and the voice of the people will be rightfully restored.
Check out this gem found in the Iowa Constitution: ART. I, § 2. “Political power. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people, and they have the right, at all times, to alter or reform the same, whenever the public good may require it. “ All times, means that even after the session has adjourned, civil servants are still on duty, as per their oath. The quote above is probably one of the many reasons, why they don’t teach civics in schools anymore. The people united are too powerful, and yet, public indoctrination centers, I mean schools have rendered them ignorant of their rightful standing in the government and society, while the media seek to divide us at every opportunity.
As Proverbs 27:17-27 affirms, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Accountability is essential, in our relationship with each other and especially in government. Hard conversations need to be had, out in the open, and with decorum and grace. May the anti-corruption movement grow in Iowa and beyond, “out of love for the truth and the desire to bring it to light….”~ M.Luther 1517. Reform, Reform & Reform, Semper Reformanda.
- Mayara Carneiro, Urbandale Resident