On opening day of the 91st General Assembly, Speaker Pat Grassley commented that 92% of all discussions in the House are bipartisan. This implies that the other 8% is more contentious in political debate. This is where considering the removal of gender identity as a civil right exists.
Even Governor Reynolds tip-toed around the issue and said not a word about it in her condition of the state speech. We have biological males who believe they are women using women’s restrooms and playing in women’s sports. We have activist teachers going around the backs of parents suggesting their children were born in the wrong body. We have librarians blocking parents and providing obscene books to children. And yet not nary a peep by the governor about it.
Cancer was mentioned by Governor Reynolds, but the societal cancer of gender identity and DEI were not mentioned or even regarded as such. Intellectual cancer eating away at the minds of Iowa youth is ignored. And even though Republicans have held power for eight years, many of them have the spirit of Neville Chamberlain and believe they can appease their way through this with the devil. The devil doesn’t want a little. The devil wants it all and expects weak Republicans to compromise.
Am I wrong? Let’s consider the Temple of Satan display. Every morning the House and Senate opens with prayer, presumably to Jesus Christ or the God of Israel who said he will share his glory with no one. But in all fairness and a misunderstanding of Scripture and the 1st Amendment, elected Republicans believe Satan should be given equal status the same as God who they ask to bless their daily work. Am I wrong? Your silence speaks volumes!
If King Hezekiah was in charge at the Capitol he would’ve smashed the display to pieces, burnt it, and then scattered its ashes on the Kidron Brook. But that’s the difference between righteousness and compromise. And righteousness and compromise is what each Republican legislator needs to examine their heart for – even Gov. Reynolds.
Compromise is used to determine classroom sizes or naming highways. There is no compromise with gender identity. The choices are protect biological females and children created in the image of God or protect imaginary genders concocted by Lucifer. There is no middle ground. You either side with the Supreme Being of our Preamble that said he made them male and female or stand with the devil who says there are seventy-two gender identities.
Let’s put gender identity to a vote. Before making your choice, I might add that every elected legislator swore an oath to the Supreme Being of the Holy Bible. God cannot bless what he has cursed and neither should we. Is there at least one representative and one senator who will have the courage to stand in the gap and submit a companion bill to remove the lie of gender identity from the civil rights?