There was a time when Americans believed professional educators (teachers, administrators, school board members, education associations) had “only the best interest of the children in mind”, but not any longer. Our students are taught it’s OK to kill babies, you can choose to be a boy or girl or both or neither and we don’t have to involve your parents, and to hate America. Certain students find they have no First Amendment Rights, are threatened with expulsion for expressing views not held by faculty and told they are guilty of racism by virtue of their skin color. The sad thing? This is not an exhaustive list!
The Iowa legislature is proposing legislation regarding curriculum transparency, school choice, cameras in classrooms, and social studies requirements to address concerns over issues revealed in the past couple of years due to more parent involvement as a result of on-line learning. Many Americans support such legislation. Not surprising, many professional educators take exception to this legislation explaining they are trained professionals and wonder at the lack of trust (see paragraph one).
The answer for some families is homeschool or private school. But we also must ensure students in public schools become good citizens as well. All current students will run this country someday.
Certainly not all, but professional educators in America have only themselves to blame for squandering decades of goodwill. Maybe we can think of the proposed legislation as tools to help restore trust so Iowa parents happily choose public school. Some students may even return!
Sandy Wilson