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Senator Ernst recently wrote an opinion piece called “Standing Up to the Democrats’ Power Grab”. The fake outrage and strongly written letter are so predictable. Along with Grassley, Senator Ernst voted yes to confirm Merrick Garland as Attorney General of the United States. Now AG Garland is abusing the power of the Federal Government and his authority to bring a lawsuit against Georgia for recently passing voter legislation. In addition, AG Garland has clearly intimidated Arizona officials as they audit election results from of Maripoca County.
According to Senator Ernst, she’s standing up to this abuse. What does Senator Ernst have to say about her chosen AG trying to get control of state elections through the Justice Department?
The hypocrisy is laughable. Senator Ernst doesn’t fight for us, she’s a politician that uses fake outrage to keep her self-serving cycle of Republican vs. Democrat alive.
Perhaps the Senator should spend time with the Iowa legislature where she can truly learn how to govern on behalf of We The People.