Is it possible that the people of Ukraine are divided? Is it possible that some are oppressors and some oppressed? The picture above is of the Azov battalion of Ukraine. If you do research on this group, you will find that they are neo-Nazis. They believe in ethnic cleansing. Do you stand with them as well?
If you desire to stand with Ukraine, stand with the people, not the government. If you stand with their government you are standing with George Soros, Hillary Clinton and “Spirit Cooker” Marina Abramovic. If you are standing with Ukraine’s government you are standing with all the Hollywood “elites” and admitting that this is the one thing this current administration got right.
Our mainstream media is claiming that Putin invaded Ukraine for no reason. Russia has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. If Russia had wanted to crush Ukraine it would’ve taken them just a few hours. What is being reported is that Putin is targeting U.S.-funded bio-weapon labs. At first, the U.S. officials said there was no such thing. Then they said they worried the Russians would get a hold of their “research” material to use as a weapon. Who do we trust at this point? Has our United States media ever lied to us before? Of course. Intentionally. We are in an information war. Yesterday I saw a report that an American was killed by a Russian sniper. How in the world would anyone be able to confirm that shot was Russian? Most snipers can hit a target from a distance of a mile and a half!
In 2014 the Obama administration was instrumental in overthrowing the democratically elected leader of Ukraine. He helped install Ukraine’s current president, Zelensky. There is much excellent reporting on this topic. Instead of stating it all here you can read for yourself,
Could it possibly be that President Trump was right when he said he “caught the Global Cabal”? It is said that while Trump was president, he took all of his collected information on these folks and met with world leaders. The Cabal worships Satan. They steal, lie, sacrifice babies, they drink blood, they love war and they steal elections. Their atrocities, if proven, would have a great way of uniting people that might otherwise not be united. By bowing to the god of this world who is Satan they amass riches and power. Our Lord and Creator has said that He will expose them. Through Trump, He is exposing them.
7 days before JFK was assassinated in broad daylight, in front of thousands of people he said, ”There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”. When Trump ran for office, he already knew what he was up against. When Trump ran for office, he already had plenty of money. He put himself and his family in harm’s way. Why would he do this? He told us, “They are not after me, they are after you, I am just getting in their way.”
Reports coming up that those “research” labs in Ukraine were producing bio-weapons that would target specific ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing, just like the Nazis. The Russians are going to bring this information to the world and there are some who do not want this information to come out.
Many of our U.S. leaders, our Iowa leaders are calling for sanctions, MiGs, and bringing Putin up on war crimes. They want to send Ukraine billions of our dollars. Is there just a small chance they are protecting something that is not democracy, not freedom? The US government has been involved with 31 wars in the 20th Century. Trump was the only U.S president that did not get us into a war. There are only 22 countries in the world that the UK has not invaded. During the South Africans’ fight against apartheid, Russia was the only Superpower that fought for their freedom. Russia has never enslaved the blacks.
Maybe, just maybe it is time to question some of what we have been taught, to put our own leaders under the microscope. As we look at the citizens of other countries, we always tend to believe that their governments would not hurt their own people. What if the Global Elite do not see many of us as “their people”. What if JFK and Trump’s words are truth?
- Janna Swanson
Excellent. I hope people listen. They listened to JFK and killed him. They listened to Trump and made sure the election was stolen. Truth is a huge threat. We are watching it before our eyes!