From the PITT Substack:
Everyone tells me: “Trans women are women. Get over it.”
But….does a transwoman have a
naturally formed vagina
naturally formed breasts
naturally formed vulva?
Has a transwoman ever woken up at 10, 12 or 13 years old to find blood in their underwear, and wondered for a panic-stricken moment what happened, and then realize it was their first period?
Has a transwoman ever gone to pee at work, and discovered that their period started four days earlier than expected and has no pads or tampons, and there are no feminine supplies in the bathroom?
Has a transwoman ever had their period come 5, 6, 7 days late and, while waiting, worried that the condom was defective?
Has a transwoman ever had menstrual cramps?
menstrual bloating?
Has a transwoman ever had sore achy breasts?
Has a transwoman ever been pregnant?
Has a transwoman ever given birth?
Has a transwoman ever breastfed a baby?
Has a transwoman ever had a miscarriage?
Has a transwoman ever had an abortion?
No? None of these? And yet I’ve been told to call them women. I just don’t understand it.