An overwhelming majority of likely U.S. voters support Voter ID laws, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national phone and online survey.
Seventy-five percent believe voters should be required to show a photo identification before being allowed to vote. Only 21 percent oppose the requirement.
While 36 states have put some form of Voter ID law in place, those laws are in peril should the U.S. Senate approve H.R. 1.
Support for Voter ID has increased since 2018 by eight points.
The requirement also has bipartisan support. Eighty-nine percent of Republicans support Voter ID, 77 percent of unaffiliated voters do as well, in addition to 60 percent of Democrats.
Thirty-nine percent of voters maintain mail-in voting led to unprecedented voter fraud and 47 percent believe Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure a victory for Joe Biden.