President Donald J. Trump is expected to announce Amy Coney Barrett as the nominee to fill the Supreme Court vacancy today.
Barrett was a social conservative favorite to fill the previous vacancy but was bypassed.
In 2017, when Barrett went through her confirmation hearing for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, she had this exchange with Sen. Dick Durbin.
Her faith will undoubtedly be the target of Democrats in the coming days and weeks. It’s already started. Bill Maher attacked Barrett’s faith right away.
“Apparently the pick is going to be this (misspeak) Amy Comey – well, we’ll be saying this name a lot I’m sure because she’s a (expletive) nut,” Maher said. “Religion, I was right about that one too…Amy Coney Barrett, Catholic, really Catholic, I mean really, really Catholic, like speaking in tongues. Like, she doesn’t believe in condoms, which is what she has in common with Trump because he doesn’t either.”
Christians may as well settle in and prepare to hear the world bash them for their faith for the next few weeks and months.
It should serve as a welcomed wake-up call for Christians who are even considering voting for Democrats this fall.