This election is beyond important. It will determine whether America will have a chance to recover our God-blessed heritage of self-governed liberty or fall into the deadly grip of Marxism.
In 2016, President Trump won 81 percent of the white, evangelical Christian vote and 60 percent of the white Catholic vote. He won the overall Protestant vote with 58 percent as well as 52 percent of Catholics.
This clearly made the difference in a close election in which Hillary Clinton reportedly won the popular vote, scoring heavily among blacks, Hispanics, the religiously unaffiliated and those of other religions.
Our Church Votes, an initiative of My Faith Votes, which encourages Christians in America to vote in every election, says that more than 25 million Christians chose not to vote in 2016.
However, if Christian voters turn out in greater numbers than in 2016, we could see not only the re-election of President Trump but Republican control of both houses of Congress.
If they fail to turn out, or massive vote fraud occurs, we could see a President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and a hard-left, Democrat Congress.
In 2016, President Trump won almost 63 million votes — enough to win a majority of the Electoral College, even though Hillary Clinton received nearly 3 million more in the popular vote, with a margin over Mr. Trump of 4.3 million in California alone.
The difference came in the battleground states. In 2016, they constituted nine of the 13 states where voter turnout was highest.
This year, several battleground and other states have already reported serious difficulties with mailed ballots during primaries.
“More than 534,000 mail ballots were rejected during primaries across 23 states this year — nearly a quarter in key battlegrounds for the fall — illustrating how missed delivery deadlines, inadvertent mistakes and uneven enforcement of the rules could disenfranchise voters and affect the outcome of the presidential election,” the Washington Post reportedon Aug 23.
Meanwhile, Democrats are pushing hard for nationally requiring mail-in voting, citing the Wuhan COVID-19 pandemic.
Will Christians turn out in sufficient numbers to keep America from going Marxist?
Will we be able to trust the results?
Will there be a clear winner on Election Night?
If not, will a delayed verdict further tear the country apart?
Sealy Yates serves as the chairman of the board of Turning Point Ministries.
Mr. Yates is senior partner of Yates & Yates, a law firm that is the continuation of the one he founded in 1969.
Sealy started his professional law career in Orange County, California, where he developed and operated a successful business law practice. Part of his work included intellectual property matters, primarily related to copyright issues.
In 1988, Sealy became the first literary agent in Christian publishing. He now has the joy and privilege of having two of his sons as his partners.
Sealy has served on the Insight for Living Ministries Board of Directors since 1981. He also served as the chairman of the board of Open Doors International for more than 30 years.
Throughout his professional career, Sealy has served on the boards of numerous Christian organizations.
Sealy has been married to Susan Proctor Yates since 1965. They have four adult children and ten grandchildren.
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