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The Monona County Republican Central Committee voted on Dec. 7 to send a letter of reprimand to Sen. Joni Ernst regarding her reluctance to publicly support President-elect Donald J. Trump’s cabinet nominations as well as her Heritage Action score of 42 percent.

“We, the Monona County Central Committee, are concerned that we are not being represented in accordance with the Iowa Republican Platform and more specifically Northwest Iowa conservative values,” the letter states. “While the Pro-Life stance was watered down in the National Platform, it remains strong in the Iowa Platform. We expect you to be a vocal proponent of ‘life from conception to natural death’ policies.”

Ernst’s 42 percent from Heritage Action is below Sen. Bernie Sanders’ score of 46 percent. Sen. Mitch McConnell is just five points behind Ernst with 37 percent.

“That is an F in any school grading system,” the letter states. “What a sad reflection on your time in office. When 50 percent of the Republicans in the House and Senate received a score of 70 percent or higher and six members even received 100 percent scores, it is unacceptable for a senator from a conservative state like Iowa to receive such a poor report.”

The Monona County GOP Central Committee also reminded Ernst she promised to serve just two terms.

“We are sure you would prefer leaving a good conservative legacy and honor to the people you represent in Iowa,” it states. “In that light, we urge you to help President Trump drain the swamp and help him appoint his cabinet picks, such as Pete Hegseth, by standing up against corrupt, anonymous cowards with unfounded accusations.”

This letter follows a letter sent by the Buchanan County Republican Central Committee.

Ernst was censured or criticized by at least 17 Iowa county GOP central committees due to her support for the Respect for Marriage Act, which redefined marriage at the federal level, as well as anti-gun legislation.


  1. I’ve voted for her in 2014, I did not vote for her in 2020, in 2026 I will vote for the Democrat

    just to unseat her rino ass. She’s gotta go!


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