Rasmussen Reports released results of a new phone and online survey last week.
Thirty-nine percent of likely U.S. voters believe the agenda is set in D.C. by Joe Biden. Twenty-three percent believe the national media is setting the agenda while 15 percent think it is Congress.
Nine percent believe it is the GOP opposition while 13 percent do not know.
Democrats are confident Biden is setting the agenda. Sixty-one percent hold that view, but just 24 percent of Republicans agree. Twenty-eight percent of voters unaffiliated with either party say Biden is setting the agenda.
Of note, just 37 percent of all likely voters believe Biden will be re-elected in 2024.
Thirty percent of likely voters believe it is more likely Biden will resign before completing his first term. Twenty-three percent believe Biden will lose to a Republican in 2024. Ten percent are not sure.
In December of 2017, Democrats and Republicans agreed President Donald J. Trump was setting the agenda. Forty-five percent of both Democrats and Republicans said Trump was setting the agenda.
Sixty-two percent of Democrats say Biden will likely be re-elected. Just 15 percent of Republicans agree. Twenty-nine percent of unaffiliated voters say the same.
Forty-three percent of Republican voters believe Biden will likely resign prior to completing his first term. Thirteen percent of Democrats agree, as do 36 percent of unaffiliated voters.