A majority of likely U.S. voters give President Joe Biden a poor rating on his handling of crime issues, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national phone and online survey.
Only 30 percent of likely voters rate Biden as good or excellent for his handling of crime and law enforcement issues. That is a five-point drop since April.
Fifty-one percent give Biden a poor rating, up four points from April.
Eighty-six percent of voters said violent crime will be an important issue in this year’s congressional elections. Just 11 percent said violent crime will not be important in the midterm elections.
Though a majority of Democrats (61 percent) rate Biden’s handling of crime as good or excellent, his approval numbers on the issue are down across the board.
Just 10 percent of Republicans give Biden a good or excellent rating on crime issues. Unaffiliated voters rate him at 17 percent, down from 23 percent in April.