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Nationwide polling conducted by Susquehanna Polling and Research Inc. (SP&R) demonstrates significant and broad-based support for term limits on Congress and a meeting of the states to propose amendments that would limit federal power and rein in reckless spending.

According to SP&R, 88 percent of Americans support term limits, 71 percent believe that more limitations upon federal power are necessary, and 68 percent are in favor of a meeting of the states to propose amendments to the Constitution that would establish term limits, impose spending limits, and curb the power of the federal government. In addition, 59 percent of respondents stated that they trust their state legislators more than their representatives in Congress.

These polling results are especially significant to Convention of States, the nationwide grassroots movement seeking to rein in the federal government through constitutional amendments targeting federal spending, power, and terms of office.

Convention of States Action Senior Vice President for Legislative Affairs Rita Peters said, “These polling results show extraordinary bipartisan support for the states using their Article V power to put the brakes on our runaway federal government.”

“At a time when the two parties don’t agree much,” she continued, “this poll tells state legislators that Convention of States is a unifying issue.”

The poll solicited the opinions of registered voters in the continental U.S., 38 percent of whom identified themselves as Democrats, 37 percent as Republicans, and 18 percent as independents. Six percent of the respondents were politically unaffiliated.

SP&R is a nationally-recognized polling and focus group company that has been featured on several national outlets and was rated by realclearpolitics.com as the most accurate pollster for its multi-state battleground polling prior to the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

For more information about Convention of States, please visit conventionofstates.com or contact [email protected]

Author: COS Action


  1. How can a freshman legislator compete with a lifelong bureaucrat? 1. Return legislating to Congress from agencies. 2. Eliminate agencies and send their work to the States and/or term limit nonelected agency managers. Then apply term limits to the elected officials.


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