Today, the Biden administration through the Department of Education released a series of proposed changes to Title IX regulations which would, among other things, reinterpret prohibitions on sex discrimination to include subjective “gender identity.”
Under these new rules, schools receiving federal funding will be forced to allow biological males who say they identify as girls to access female restrooms, locker rooms, and other private spaces. It may also be used to compel school employees to use students’ preferred pronouns. The new rule does not apply to athletics, which the administration says it will be addressing in a later proposed regulation.
In response, Terry Schilling, president of American Principles Project (APP), released the following statement slamming the changes:
“Fifty years ago, Congress passed Title IX to safeguard educational opportunities for women and girls. Today, Joe Biden and his administration have officially gutted those protections, endangering female students and foisting gender insanity on our nation’s schools.
“Under these new regulations, schools will now be required to allow boys into girls’ private spaces merely if they claim to be female. This is a severe threat to the safety of girls, as we’ve seen already in Loudoun County, Virginia, where last year a male student in a skirt sexually assaulted a girl in a restroom. It is also, at the very least, an outrageous infringement on the privacy of students.
“This will also violate the free speech rights of teachers, who could be forced to use all manner of absurd pronouns or else risk being accused of harassment and discrimination. Given the incredible strain our educators are under simply to do their primary job of teaching students, asking them to choose between yielding to the latest radical gender fad or losing their jobs is unconscionable.
“Joe Biden and his administration have now made clear they care more about the extreme demands of woke activists than the well-being of millions of teachers and students who will be negatively affected by this rule. Democrats will be forced to own every awful consequence of these changes in November.”