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The Waukee School District has clarified that the upcoming mental health mini-series on the importance of LGBTQ/gender-inclusive curriculum and classroom environment is NOT open to anyone other than certified staff.
Here is the flyer posted in staff areas only. The district said the flyer is a half sheet of paper that isn’t posted in public spaces where students or families would view it. The principal has also included the learning opportunity in the weekly email to staff.
This is what the flyer looks like:
The flyer states that everyone is welcome to attend, but the district reiterated it does not intend for the meeting to involve public participation or attendance. Rather the event is an “optional staff learning opportunity.”
Parents are going to have to remove their children or not be surprised at the consequences later.
Is this a PUBLIC SCHOOL that our tax dollars pay for? Teacher and administrator salaries WE pay for? SOCIALISM. When did parents and taxpayers not have a right to hear what is being taught in our schools?
Hmmm…no wonder we need a school transparency law!
Notice it says the “Waukee ELEMENTARY…Team” (emphasis added)!
Targeting really young kids–sick! And spiritually deadly: Jesus said, “… whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”